Advancing the Civic Mission of Schools: What Schools, Districts, and State and Federal Leaders Can Do (2004) (PDF) A report, developed by AED for the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, which is working with educators, policymakers, and advocates from across the political spectrum to make civic learning a priority in school reform.
Appalachian Regional Commission Oak Ridge National Laboratory Summer Institute for Math/Science/Technology Evaluation (2006) (PDF)
This report describes key outcomes of the ARC/ORNL Summer Institute, which seeks to encourage more high school students in the Appalachian region to continue their studies after high school and pursue careers in the projected shortage areas of science,
technology, engineering, and math.
A Place to Grow: Final Evaluation of the New York City Beacons, A Summary Report (2002) (PDF)
Constancia Warren, Michelle Feist, and Nancy Nevárez. Summarizes findings from an intensive study of the New York City Beacon, the largest municipally funded youth initiative in the country.
A Place to Grow: Final Evaluation of the New York City Beacons (2002) (PDF)
Constancia Warren, Michelle Feist, and Nancy Nevárez. Presents findings from an intensive study of the New York City Beacon, the largest municipally funded youth initiative in the country.
BEST Strengthens Youth Worker Practice: An Evaluation of Building Exemplary Systems for Training Youth Workers (2002) (PDF)
Summarizes the lessons learned from an initiative of the National Training Institute for Community Youth Work to help communities build comprehensive systems for the professional development of youth workers
Building a System of Excellent High Schools: A Framework and Tool for Discussion and Action (2007) (PDF)
Provides guidelines for district leaders, community stakeholders, educators, administrators, parents, and students to map out the process of transforming their high schools to meet the needs of all students, based on the Carnegie Corporation’s Schools for a New Society.
Building Emergency Contraception Awareness Among Adolescents: A Tool Kit for Schools and Community-Based Organizations (2003) (PDF)
Linda Simkin et al. A toolkit to increase awareness, access, and use of emergency contraception among youth, educators and staff in youth-serving agencies.
Mid South Middle Start Snapshots: Improving Middle-Grades Schools (2005) (PDF)
Describes the school-improvement process in three schools participating in Middle Start, a comprehensive school-improvement program for schools with middle grades.
Mid South Middle Start: Studies of Three Middle Start Schools in the Mid South Delta (2005) (PDF)
By Lea Williams Rose and Nancy Cheney. Describes the school improvement process in three schools paticipating in the Mid South Middle Start Initiative.
Middle Start Schools Striving For Excellence: Steadily Improving High-Poverty Schools in the Mid South Delta. (2006) (PDF)
Lea Williams Rose. AED. A study of five schools participating in Mid South Middle Start working to build their capacity to foster students' academic excellence, support the development of young adolescents, and achieve social equity.
National Writing Project Final Evaluation Report (2002) (PDF)
Findings of a three-year outcome evaluation to determine the impact on student writing in classrooms led by teachers who had participated in professional development through the National Writing Project, a program with a 26-year record of providing professional development to teachers in writing process through its 156 sites around the country.
Partnerships for College Access and Success: A Technical Assistance Toolkit and Resource Guide (2008) (PDF)
Provides a roadmap for developing a communitywide initiative to connect working adults and high school students to postsecondary education and training.
Section 1, Section 2, Section 3
Raising and Educating Healthy Boys: The Growing Crisis in Boys' Education (2005) (PDF)
Educational Equity Center. Summarizes some of the latest, and most relevant, research being done on how boys are faring in the U.S. educational system.
Teaching as Inquiry: Asking Hard Questions to Improve Practice and Student Achievement (2004) (PDF)
By Alexandra Weinbaum (AED), David Allen, Tina Blythe, Katherine Simon, Steve Seidel and Catherine Rubin. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
To order books, please contact 800-575-6566 on the web. For desk copy request go to
The Philadelphia Story: A Guide to Service-Learning System Building (2004) (PDF)
Describes the lessons learned from a large, districtwide effort to institutionalize service-learning practice on an unprecedented scale for one school district.
Vital Voices: Building Constituencies for Public School Reform (2003) (Full Report and Report Summary PDF)
Janice M. Hirota and Lauren E. Jacobs. AED and Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago. Provides insight into some of the country's most promising efforts to develop, organize, and support strong, engaged constituencies for the reform of public schools, based on studies of the Ford
Foundation's Constituency-Building for Public School Reform Initiative.
Young Adult Capacity Initiative: Cross-site Analysis and Young Adult Capacity Initiative: Five Case Studies (2006) (Final Report and Case Studies PDF)
Two final reports focused on ways to implement, sustain, and scale up programming to address the needs of disconnected youth and young adults--an underserved segment of the youth population.
Other Publications and Reports
A Framework for Success for All Students (2006) (PDF) Collected Papers from the Technical Support Team for the Schools for a New Society Initiative and Carnegie Corporation of New York. Outlines the core concepts of Schools for a New Society, an initiative designed to reinvent urban high schools, redesign urban school districts, and mobilize urban communities.
An Oasis in This Desert: What Parents Say About the New York City Beacons (2000) (PDF)
Nancy Nevárez. The findings of focus groups with parents on how the Beacons have affected the lives of their children, families and communities.
A Web of Support: The Role of Districts in Urban Middle Grades Reform (2003) (PDF)
Michelle Feist. A summary of the district role in supporting middle-grades educational reform, based on the experience of AED's eight-year Urban Middle Grades Reform Network.
In School Together: School-Based Childcare Serving Student Mothers
Michele Cahill et. al. (AED 1987, rev. 1991)
A handbook to help schools school districts establish school-based childcare centers.
New Directions in Parent Involvement
Norman Fruchter, Anne Galletta, and J. Lynne White. (AED, 1992)
Examines the role of parent involvement in improving student academic achievement and restructuring schools.
New Equations: The Urban Schools Science and Mathematics Program
Elayne Archer (AED, 1993)
A summary of approaches to enhancing the mathematics and science achievement of minority and female students based on the experience of a Ford Motor Company program in Detroit, Atlanta, and Cleveland.
Protecting Youth, Preventing AIDS: A Guide for Effective High School HIV Prevention Programs (1999) (PDF)
Alice Radosh with Sally Guttmacher and Nick Freudenberg. A guidebook for school administrators, teachers, health care workers, parents, and students who want to help prevent HIV, STDs, and unwanted pregnancy among young people, based largely on the experiences of the New York City Public High
Schools HIV/AIDS Education and Condom Availability Program, the nation's largest single HIV program for young people.
Science, Gender, and After-School: A Research-Action Agenda (2004) (PDF)
Educational Equity Concepts and AED. Presents a research-action agenda to enhance the role of afterschool education in increasing girls' participation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics courses, majors, and careers.
Teacher Leaders for Mathematics Success: Final Evaluation Report (2004) (PDF)
Cheri Fancsal, Ph.D. AED. Final evaluation of a five-year project designed to build the capacity of teachers and schools in the Bronx, NY in supporting continued improvement in mathematics education for all students in a standards-based environment.
What We Know and Need to Know About New York City Girls (2001) (PDF)
Cheri Fancsali, Ph.D., Kari Nelsestuen, Nancy Nevarez, and Alexandra Weinbaum, Ph.D. A report commissioned by Girls Incorporated of New York City to provide useful data for policymakers and program planners, with comparisons to state and national trends.
The New Jersey School Based Youth Services Program Evaluation (2000) (1997) and
The New Jersey School Based Youth Services Program: The State Policy Context (1997). Constancia Warren, (AED).
A summary of the lessons learned from an evaluation of a statewide initiative to improve the educational outcomes of middle and high school students through provision of school-based support and enrichment services and activities.