
The Center’s Research and Evaluation Team Can Help You
The R&E Team is a diverse group of researchers with extensive experience in all aspects of qualitative and quantitative research and evaluation. We provide a range of evaluation and TA services to help schools and programs engage in a continuous process of improvement geared to fostering equitable outcomes for all youth. Our clients include schools, school districts, community-based programs, foundations, government agencies, and intermediary organizations.
How Women Access and Use Plan B in the United States: Findings of an Online Consumer Survey (2008) (PDF)
Describes the results of an online national survey undertaken by the Center to explore consumers' experiences the year after Plan B (emergency contraception) became available over the counter.
Partnerships for College Access and Success: A Technical Assistance Toolkit and Resource Guide (2008) (PDF)
Provides a roadmap for developing a communitywide initiative to connect working adults and high school students to postsecondary education and training. It reflects lessons learned from four years of work through the Partnerships for College Access and Success initiative, supported by the Lumina Foundation for Education, in eight communities across the country.
Section 1, Section 2, Section 3
Great Science for Girls
A five-year initiative funded by the National Science Foundation and implemented and managed by our Educational Equity Center to support girls’ interest and persistence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). www.afterschool.org/gsg.
Partnership Support Organization to NYC Public Schools
Our New York office serves as one of six partnership support organizations (PSO) chosen by the New York City Department of Education and New York City public schools to provide technical assistance to the schools.The PSO is focusing on the elementary and middle grades and drawing on its 16 years of experience with Middle Start, a comprehensive school transformation program . As of 2011-12, the PSO is working with 14 New York City public schools.